Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hump Day Hook

Hello's been a while. Sorry for that, but I've been in writer mode for some time and am finally at a point where I think I can finish this damn book. I thought I'd share a little piece from it with you. This is not the cover for the book just a visual image for you.

At seven years old, Hannah didn’t understand what the emergency broadcast meant when it blared through the television. The sight of people running and screaming in panic didn’t register in her young mind. She remembered her mother covering her eyes when something came on the TV she shouldn’t see. Her father stayed on the phone and in his combat uniform, always at the ready. The sights on the TV were one thing, but when the screams started ripping through the air right outside her home, Hannah started to panic.

Click Here for more goodness.


  1. You know how much I LOVE this one! Your selection for a hook is excellent. I'm really excited for the finished product!

  2. Poor girl! I hope everything turns out all right for her...

  3. An intriguing hook there.

  4. Intense feeling of oppression in this hook. Well done!
