Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hump Day Hook!

Hey peeps! I love doing this because I get to not only post my upcoming releases, but I get to read some amazing stuff I may never have gotten to see before. Anyhoo...this week I give you a little Gravity Beach. We first met Jolie in my book Courageous Dare *insert shameless plug* so if you haven't read that one and you like what you see here, I would recommend it! Get your tissues though cause Dare is a toughy! Okay, onto Gravity Beach. Not only am I showing you part of the book, but I'm also revealing the cover which I did all by myself!

Please note this has not gone into editing yet so forgive any mistakes!


He had no choice but to do as Jolie said. Liam kicked away from the pier and started swimming toward the shore with Madison in tow. As Jolie started to swim out from under the pier, another wave slammed into her. She had nothing left. Jolie got tossed around and the last thing she felt was absolute panic as her lungs filled with water and her head slammed against the wooden beams. That was when everything started to fade away.

Click here for more awesomeness!


  1. OMG what will happen to her? I hope he's able to get back in time to help her. You did such a good job with the description, I too felt short of breath. Great hook.

  2. Oh, I hope she doesn't give up...and neither does he!! How terrifying. You really DO like to tug at the heart strings, don't you?

  3. Crikey! That is worrying. How frightening to be nearly drowning. Great hook. Well done. ��

  4. Uh, crap. That sucks. I wonder who will come to her rescue. Nice job :)

  5. Great leaves you wanting more!

  6. Oh no! Way to hook us and leave us dangling.

  7. Lots of unanswered questions! Way to hook me!
