Welcome back peeps! Hope all is well and you enjoy this little bit from Silent Tears.
“Dad,” Brax said his voice shaking as he kneeled
beside his father. “Hang in there, dad.” He held Roman’s hand close to his
heart as he leaned over him.
“Make their blood flow, Braxton.” Roman coughed and
winced in pain.
The car swerved and skidded around corners as the
driver tore down the winding roads. Cam couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.
“Camellia, take care of my son,” Roman whispered as
he gripped her hand.
“You’re going to help me take care of him, Roman.”
He shook his head slightly, coughed again, and then
spoke to Brax. “It’s in your hands now, son. I love you.”
For more hooks please Click Here. Hope you enjoyed Brax and Cam, they are coming soon!!!